Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 8.30 p.m.

When I checked the calendar this morning, it said April 20. Normally that would spell out springtime in bold letters. But then again, I guess I'm not living anywhere normal, at least not weatherwise. Driving home this evening I took this picture with my mobile phone. Not quite what I associate with springtime..

I suppose this is what you can expect living on 71º north, but to me this is one of the aspects about it that makes me the most depressed. I make no secret of being a summer child. And getting this when I'd rather see the snow gone and the sun shining - not good.. But then again, things tend to change fast, and the spring will probably arrive soon enough. Its just that right now the seems really far far away.


RennyBA said...

I was in Kirkenes this weekend and it was difficult to get the plain down on Friday.

We had a great day in Russia on Sunday though :-)

Quenut said...

Hi there, Renny!

The weather can be really crazy this time of year. Yesterday I even managed to get my car stuck on the way to work - that was quite frustrating.. I am still waiting for the spring :) I guess you had more than your share of snow this winter in the south too, but at least spring is already in the air..

I am happy your pilot managed to land in spite of the thick snow. The pilots up here have got my utmost respect, managing to do the most amazing things in all sorts of weather :)

Slavedude275 said...

Welcome back to Norway... Kjøllefjord, eh. Home town?

Quenut said...

Herry, thanks for noticing my blog. As you probably noticed, it's been quite a while since I've posted any entries.. I guess it's been a matter of lack of inspiration, really.

Jonny, as a long overdue answer to your comment; yes, it's my home town. I (we) have been living here for almost a year now. It's quite nice, really, if you know how to keep yourself occupied and active (a very small town, and it's far to other towns)..