Monday, January 5, 2009

Convoy time!!

So that was it. 2008 is over, and our calendar reads 2009. I hope you all had a great Christmas, and wish you all the best for this year.

This year, I spent Christmas in Liverpool, but I am now back home, up north. And, oh my, it really feels like up north now, with the New Year's storms blowing. Generally, the weather up here is not bad, and nowhere near as bad as most people guess when I tell them where I live. Temperatures are bearable (at least on the coast - the warm current from the Gulf of Mexico really helps to keep the temperature not too far below zero), and things are over all good, weatherwise.

But around New Year, things tends to get a bit rougher. The winds take on force, and sometimes it gets quite nasty. Working 32 km of mountain roads away from home, I will probably have to drive in a convoy to get to work in the coming week or couple of weeks, as I did for the first time this winter today. As the weather has gotten even rougher now than what it was this morning, I am stuck here at work until the weather lightens up and the road will open again. Hopefully it will happen this evening some time.

The convoys are pretty good things, though. When the weather is rough, with massive snowfall and/or limited visibility, cars are not allowed to drive unaccompanied on mountain roads. So, at certain times, there will be a convoy going, with a ploughing truck in front. So, even though the weather is quite bad, you will normally be able to drive from one place to the next. But alas, not right now...

For more on winter driving in Norway, check out this post on the blog 57 North.


steven andresen said...

Is there any discussion there about the effect of global warming on the warm waters from the Caribbean?

I thought the fear was that as the ice melts off of Greenland, the Gulf stream stops moving. As a result, the warm waters don't move on up to you.

At least, that my general understanding.

Anonymous said...

First off all: A Happy New Year and welcome back to Norway - where everything seams like normal at this time of the year :-)

Btw: Could you please come over and vote for me - we Norwegians need to stick together you know :-)