Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nice things half forgotten

Living away from home, there are always some things that you seem to forget. The little things. Smells, little things you see in your everyday life. Things that are around, that adds flavor to your life, and that sometimes are more 'unconsciously' noticed.

Part of my everyday life right now is my half-an-hour drive to work, driving through an area that is not populated. The area I live in right now is pretty sparsely populated to say the least. Anyway, on my way to work, especially in the morning, I see all sorts of animals running about, flying or doing whatever they do. I see grouse, foxes, eagles, and I've seen otters and lynxes. Some times of the year there are reindeer grazing about.

The last couple of years, I've been living in quite urban areas. I can't say that I have consciously missed all this while I've been away from home. But every time I drive along and I see one of these animals on the side of the road, I keep thinking how nice it is to live this close to nature in this way. You might of course come across a fox or some other animal elsewhere, too, and I've even seen one in the UK. But it's nothing like this, where I seem to pass some wild animal every other day.

Even though I am a bit ambivalent about living up here in 'nowhere', in a small town far away from everything else, this is one of the very nice things about living here. It adds to my quality of life.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you live in lovely surroundings - nice, quiet and relaxing - away from the noisy, urban life.

Have a great weekend :-)

Quenut said...

Hello, Renny - nice to hear from you again!

Yes it is very quiet and relaxing, and not very urban at all :)

Have a rgeat weekend, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is an amazing picture!
Nature is something so close to the Norwegian heart and soul.
Enjoy it whilst you can. Who knows where life might take you and when?!!

Glad you are having some peace from the urban lifestyle.

If things do, however, get too quiet come and visit Jonny and I in Bergen. Today is a beautiful sunny might be fooled into thinking this could be an every day occurrence!

Take care K!


Quenut said...

Yeah, you're right - better enjoy it while it lasts. In the future we'll probably find ourselves living somewhere else :)

Next time I'll be around Bergen, I'll let you know :) It is a very, very nice (although somewhat wet) city..

Have a great weekend!